Sunday, May 4, 2008

Labour-Day = Holi-Day

Labour-Day = Holi-Day

Well kinda fun..
went to to to sematan ! but was a lil sick...
so did enjoy but sick ... so okie okie only lorh...
went to a retreat called smth bank union...
everything was perfect..

the place the view the facilities everything !
just one thing wasnt nice at all...
and it sucks so much..
there is a total bullshit !It Sucked so much my aunt complaint them and they like didnt bother...
they totally suck...
show u the pic of the staff tht sucks !See That Everything was really nice...too bad the staff and management ther really sucks !
they so money face also...
wear shirt to swim got fine.. enter the retreat also needa pay...even parking !
cant believe ppl lidat..
run this kinda place...

but tht didnt spoil my day ...
went on home at nite with a
sunset journey...

Nice sunset and stuff la..
and actually saw a Mat RempIt on the way home !
took a pic too..haha...=p
totally it was a nice day ... i guess...