Monday, March 31, 2008

Dont's U Think So Too ??

A Story Untold..:P

well on friday i thought of it'll be happy lo ! yay ! friday !!
last day of exam ma..
<<< see that happy sleeping maid ?
he's lovin it.. friday ! slep less in skol go home early slep !!
sad this is i cant see my sis she's got meeting and stuff...she was a lil pissed cause of me the other nite..
so fine lor... my fault wad to do...

actually i got meting also la.. so meet lor..
was fast and detailed.. nth much.. just bla bla bla..
who's goin tomoro..will tell u much later .. hehe..

so after tht walk to church lor.. see got anything or not..
macam routine lidat .. every friday must go ther wan..=.= then nth ..
but suddenly ! saw 2 spoilers of my day came walking like a GRRR!!
they they very wanted to be ther lidat... man ..i hate tht..
spoils my day totally okie !

btw i was hoping to see ppls ther... but turned out i saw monsters !

then go to the American Service Force thingy..
for exchange student wan la..
but so so boling la.. nth to do ..
see americans chicks which i'm not intrested in..
haihs...wad a day..

came home... slep till lor..
when wake up so dark ald..
see... accidentally take but look
nice leh..
wait for my sis to reply me..
she replied..telling me sadd sadd stuff..
was obviously making my day worst..

i gotta cheer her up even when i'm dying..
i dun long as she's happy..
well i told her tht wadever it takes for her smile..
i guess i wana keep tht..

we kinda quarreled la.. but "NIO" (let) her win lor..
ald sob sob ther..
i also bo pien ah...
KNS lor me... :\

but kim cheered me up lor..
my good fren..hehe..thanks kim !!

then nite boom up boom down lidat... walau... write post to release..
one of the hurting nites in month 4 day 28 ..gosh !
what A tErrIbLe d@y ...
But ToMoRo'II B3 BetT3R..