Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Valentine Days's Story.

12 February 2007

Valentine Days's Story.

Story For Valentine's Day 2007.....All The Best To Everyone Out There.....HAPPY VALENTINE DAY'S TO ALL TEENAGERS , BOYS AND GIRLS.....

Yes I Do , I Love You.....

It was funny how we even got to know each other. I knew her through a close friend of mine.

At that point of time, a group of friends and I were very much in an online chatting, and that's how I got to know her.

When I first new her, she was funny, funny in a very cute way. She said lots of things to cheer me up, and sms all the time. We smsed day and night, we sms whe
n we had the time. At that point of time, my life revolved around it, and talking to her.

We never met, until one day. When she suggested that a few of us go out for a d
rink or something. I was nervous, because I haven't seen her before. I was attracted to his online personality, I don't know what she would be like. I was afraid she might stop talking to me altogether just because I wasn't good-looking. I was really paranoid.

Eventually, I agreed to go along with them. She was cute, and real quiet the first time I met her. I was shy, and so was she. But the first thing that I noticed was his eyes, that pair of eyes, is something that I will never forget.

During the drinking session, I couldn't help but to keep noticing
her. She was sitting near. I didn't want to be at the same table as her, I was shy, yes I was. I kept glancing over to her, just to see how attractive she was.

Dinner. It was just the three of us. My friend, she, and I. She
was sitting opposite me. I was playing with my phone , and she kept doing things that actually attracts me. She'd give a silly smile to me after that. She was totally cute.

From then on, we talked, and sent messages to each other, almost everyday. I didn't know how I was feeling towards her, I was really confused. At that point of time, I rejec
ted a lot of girl cause of her. I was feeling frustrated, and lost.She was there to help me through it. She was there to talk to me. She was there to stand up for me. She said, "Never Give Up, and I'll show her what a real girlfriend should be like." I felt tears welling up in my eyes, i couldn't cry. Could I have fallen for her?

She offered to "act" as my girlfriend just so I could spite my ex, I turned his offer down though. But I couldn't help but to feel extremely sweet within, love appears.

We grew closer, and she started opening up to me. She told me about the boy he liked. Initially, I didn't think much about it. But gradually, as she opened up to me about how she was hurting because of that boy that he liked, I started to feel her pain. I was hurting too, probably twice as much as she does.

I thought to myself, " Why, just why am I feeling this way? " This couldn't be true, I've only known him for a couple of months, how could I have fallen for
her? No way, that's not possible.

But my emotions proved me wrong. I started feeling more, started hurting more. She told me she was sad, she told me it hurts. Each time I hear her say that, I feel painful. I cried, I cried because it was hurting and I couldn't do anything about it. I wanted to heal her, I wanted her to know, that there are people out there who cares for her, and loves her so much for who she is. I wanted to be there for her always.

She started to withdraw. At a point of time, she became a little cold. She became numb. We didn't talk much at then, her words were all cold. And I knew, she wasn't happy, she was hurting all along. I felt very helpless, I couldn't do anything to cheer her up.

She asked if I was in love with someone, cause it seemed like I was. She prob
ed further, but no matter how she asked, I never revealed who the person was. I didn't want to scare her away, I didn't want her to look at me in a different perspective. She asked me, who's that person? I only said, " She knows who am I and who u are. "

She started healing after a while, or rather, he became craz
e towards love. On New Year Eve, she invited my friends and I to join her and her friends at a place which is “The Colors”. I went along, together with my friends. My friends left early at then. It was just me, my friend and the rest of his friends.

I had too much to drink, and a little bit high on alcohol. I drank quite a bit. She was sitting opposite me at first. At 12am, she was sitting beside me. She was popping balloons in my face. People were spraying confetti in my face. I was looking at her, and she used his hand to wipe the confetti off my face. Though I wasn't that sober, I felt a little tingle in my body.

I felt her hand against my face. That feeling was almost magical, it was like as though he was telling me, " Hey, I care for you, Don't Be Like That"

She had too much to drink after a while. Again, she was sitting beside me. We were both near drunk. If I didn't recall wrongly, I had her face near mine, I was whispering something to her [I LOVE YOU]. Constantly asking if she was okay, She didn't seem to sane to me. Her eyes were closed, and all she did was to gently nod to my questions. She looked so innocent, and sweet plus cute.

After that night, I felt as though I was crazy about her. That feeling was driving me nuts. It was sweet, yet painful. She started asking me out more often, when I told her I couldn't make it, she always sounded sad, disappointed. Though the times she
asked me out weren't considered a date (because there were other people with her), I still felt sweet. There was this once, we went out together, just the two of us, I felt like I was the luckiest boy ever. He pestered me to go along with her to her friend's place, I turned her down. Again, she gave me that look. I don't know what that look meant. She seemed mad at me, a little disappointed. I don't know how I should react to that.

We gradually text each other everyday. My cell phone never left my side, as it represent her.

It was the sweetest yet the most horrible time in my life. I felt like I needed her, I felt like I wanted her. But deep down inside, I would never gather enough courage to tell her how I truly feel about her. Times when I got, I got drunk because of
her. I got hurt because I was hurting so bad inside. I wanted her so bad, but I knew, I knew that I will never be good enough for her. She's one hell of girl, she's good looking. What am I? Who am I to ask for someone like him? I told myself, all I can do, is just be there for her. Be there when she needs someone, be there when he needs a shoulder to lean on.

I thought that would be easy. But know, I started hurting, day and night, I was crying, but I didn't know why. I just felt this intense pain within. I
didn't really know why I was hurting so badly. I just felt, I would never deserve such a sweet person.

I felt like I could die, if I didn't talk to her for a day. I talked to her over Msn every night. Even when she was busy, we'd talk on Msn. We seldom went out ready. On her free days, we'd talk whole day together. Though seldom it was just the two of us, her company still seemed to be the best . I savored every moment with her.

I'd wait for hours, just to see her.

Nights when she didn't come online, I felt like my world
was crashing. I was always hesitating, hesitating whether I should text her. I didn't want her to know I needed her, I didn't want her to know everything. I was afraid that she might know that I was starting be to dependent on her.

I tried to give up. Because I knew this was a love that will never blossom. I will never be good enough for her. My heart tried turning cold, and the word LOVE doesn't exist in my dictionary anymore.

Till today, I'm still hanging on, hanging to something that never existed.

I'm contented still, with just the way things are now. Just her by my side, just her as my best friend, just be there for her when she ever needs someone.

I'll do whatever I can, just to bring out that smile of her.

I chose to love her in silence, for in silence, I'll never fa
ce her rejection. I chose to love her in his loneliness, for in her loneliness, no one owns her, but me.Maybe one day I'll tell her Yes I Do, I Love You.

"Just Love Doesn't Have An Ending"