Tuesday, June 24, 2008

True Love ?? i DouBt So...

i was kinda busy body when i saw this so called
"blogthings" there my hands start pressing up and down
looking for quiz..haha..
i found a quite interesting one i guess..
it entitled..


and yea...asking alot of question ..
haha..will show yea..

  1. Do you belong to any online dating sites?
    • Yes, just one
    • Yes, a few
    • No, none
  2. When your friends want to go out, how often do you decide to stay home instead?
    • Hardly ever
    • 50% of the time or more
    • About 25% of the time
  3. In your opinion, dating is:
    • A fun way to get to know people
    • A bit of a pain, but necessary
    • Total torture
  4. When was the last time you had a date?
    • In the last few weeks
    • In the last few months
    • It's almost too long to count
  5. Would you ever try speed dating or a lunch meetup for singles?
    • Maybe, if you were feeling desperate
    • Probably not
    • Sure
  6. Your friends are mostly:
    • In serious relationships
    • Casually dating
    • Perpetually single
  7. How many nights do you spend out of the house each week (either alone or with friends)?
    • 2 or 3
    • 1, if you're lucky
    • 4 or 5, at least

lols...i think i've got the rights to keep my choices secret..=p
here's the result which i dunno should i trust or not...
kinda anooying...
It says...

Your True Love Will Find You Eventually

You definitely put yourself out there a little - but you could be doing more.

If you're truly looking for love, try doing more things and meeting more people.

You don't have to actively look for love, you just need to stay active.

Be out there a little more, and the right person will find you!