Thursday, June 26, 2008

The Ultimate Quiz..

yea...wondering why i named this "THE ULTIMATE QUIZ" ?

read it for yourself..
solve it write me a comment.. i'll take it...=p
its just a really confusing article i took from a friend of mine..
thanks adel... =p


3 boys went to stay in a hostel. One night's stay costs RM30. They took one room and shared for the night, each boy paying RM10. When the receptionist rechecked the payment, it was actually only RM25 for that night, not RM30. This means the boys paid an extra cash of RM5.

Being honest, the receptionist called the bellboy on duty to return the RM5 to the boys. The bellboy thought to himself, how could he divide RM5 among 3 boys? It would be unfair to give RM2 to Boy1, RM2 to Boy2, and RM1 to Boy3. So he decided to keep RM2 as tip, and divided RM3 equally among the boys. Each boy got a refund of RM1, meaning they each paid RM9 for the stay, amounting to RM27. (RM9 x 3boys = RM27)

So if you count carefully, RM27 + RM2(bellboy self-tip) = RM29. But they paid RM30 earlier that time. So what happened to the other RM1?

still wondering is there anyone out there who can solve this crazy yet confusing question..

where not teachers can solve.

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

True Love ?? i DouBt So...

i was kinda busy body when i saw this so called
"blogthings" there my hands start pressing up and down
looking for quiz..haha..
i found a quite interesting one i guess..
it entitled..


and yea...asking alot of question ..
haha..will show yea..

  1. Do you belong to any online dating sites?
    • Yes, just one
    • Yes, a few
    • No, none
  2. When your friends want to go out, how often do you decide to stay home instead?
    • Hardly ever
    • 50% of the time or more
    • About 25% of the time
  3. In your opinion, dating is:
    • A fun way to get to know people
    • A bit of a pain, but necessary
    • Total torture
  4. When was the last time you had a date?
    • In the last few weeks
    • In the last few months
    • It's almost too long to count
  5. Would you ever try speed dating or a lunch meetup for singles?
    • Maybe, if you were feeling desperate
    • Probably not
    • Sure
  6. Your friends are mostly:
    • In serious relationships
    • Casually dating
    • Perpetually single
  7. How many nights do you spend out of the house each week (either alone or with friends)?
    • 2 or 3
    • 1, if you're lucky
    • 4 or 5, at least

lols...i think i've got the rights to keep my choices secret..=p
here's the result which i dunno should i trust or not...
kinda anooying...
It says...

Your True Love Will Find You Eventually

You definitely put yourself out there a little - but you could be doing more.

If you're truly looking for love, try doing more things and meeting more people.

You don't have to actively look for love, you just need to stay active.

Be out there a little more, and the right person will find you!

Monday, June 23, 2008


its English class when we're asked to be poets.
my group was me, jonas , aaron , kenric and one more person if i'm not wrong..
thanks to miss.esther of cause for giving us this chance and
leading us all these while..
thankiu !


Another Day dreaming under the sunshine,
another day gone and wasted.
Once again our life slips past the fine line,
between fufilment and fustration.

The suicidal man knows not,
of the gift he receives at birth.
takes for granted even what kings have sought,
a fool, who deserves damnation.

When death comes knocking at one's door,
only then does one truly understand,
that life is precious and worth living for,
It is beautiful, and god-given.

Friday, June 20, 2008

For Me ?

It was downhill for me these times...and a senior of mine...a trusted one and of cause a friend..

texted me asking me to read post she posted.. its about me... yea.. i got this down

pretty bad...but i guess its just the way it is now..thanks sincerely...

For Jacky

June 20 2008

Should you despair over a relationship gone bad,

Think of the person who has never known what it’s like to love and to be loved.

Should you grieve the passing of another day,

Think of the woman who works twelve hours a day , 7 days a week to feed her children.

Should you let yourself break down,

Think of the people who is the last , the lost and the least.

Should you think that you are not appreciated,

Think of the people whose contributions only known when they are dead.

Should you find yourself at loss, pondering what life is about, asking what is my purpose?

Be thankful. There are those who didn’t live long enough to know the opportunity

Should you find yourself victim of other people’s bitterness, ignorance, smallness, or insecurities,

Remember things can go worst, you could be a part of them.

Should you think you have made a mistake, disappoint others, or offended someone,

Discover it within yourself and learn from them.

Should you think the world is dark , gloomy and scary a place,

Go out to the fields and stare into the sun.

When you are through with all this,

You should realize,

we shouldn’t fail ourselves.

Written by an3sidora
Alot Of Thanks.. I'll Improve..
And I'm Sorry To Peoples I Hurt..
And stuff I Did Wrong..